((((((((1)))))))Contradictions in terms:The tribunal says that some pedophile is sane and have no mental illness.The tribunal must not say that a rape is a phisiological conduct(non mental illness or disability) and that pedophilia is not a insanebehavior. 90% of the people who killed a parent is declared mentallyhealthful, this means: non pathological conduct, phisiological conduct(genetic or non genetic), good doctor, not vector of functional oranatomical suffering. Also crimes against the patrimony are notphysiological conducts.
((((((((2)))))))A conduct can be pathological (biological group self-destructive activity)or non pathological (phisiological), no external or middle case is expectedMedicine is an exact science, jurisprudence is an exact science. Enemies andfriends: of the mental hygiene only, war between doctors isn't expectedvalue. "Fighting with islam against the devil" : this information isharmless and profitable in every case. Are communists clinically insanepeople or they got the reason ?
((((((((3)))))))Siegmund Freud lies not knowing to be lying: he is a conceptual pedophilewho says children has sexual attraction for parent (edipus) and that mind ispartitioned in 3 parts (ego superego es). False premiss brings wrong result:like Freud says, cognitive error generates pathological conduct.
((((((((4)))))))"All fine at home? Do your parents act with you like with friends? Is yourparent clinically perfect? Do your parent, consciously or inconsciously,donates to you any activity of clinical and penal importance ?": the medicaldoctor must somministrate this or analogous enhanced suggestion to thehabitants for preventing or for healing, before programming any othersomministration.Slapping child is a crime and a mania, like by the general rule, evidentlyif child doesn't born genetically stupid, unable to understand words,handicapped, diseased, socially dangerous (also menacing, insulting, anykind of offensive or embarrassing activity).Earth's habitants kill gays but children don't born gays, habitants corruptand kill children doing a "sacrifice to the devil": this non geneticepidemic is familiarly but not geneticaly transmitted.
((((((((5))))))))1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number;fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds ofthe air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."Christians priests contradict god (they are not fruitful): they areheretics and unconcscious servants of devil (so devil doesn't want them inhell, this could induce the mistake). With baptism christians forgivethemselfs from god's sentence.
((((((((6))))))))1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of thewhole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will beyours for food.1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds ofthe air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that hasthe breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food." And it was so.Chirstians don't eat only green plant: they trust in god to contradict god.Eating cadavers is a pathological conduct, like by the general law.If vegetarian food gives longer and better life than non-vegetarian food,eating non-vegetarian food is a pathological conduct. Eating cadaversinduces a phisiological genetic reflex: vomiting. A cow has 96,5% dnaperfectly matching with human dna. Eating a human cadaver is a behavioraldisturb.This is a final version or close, you should not receive emails anymore.Pls forward. For unsubscribing, partnership or donations:
Religious cramks, or vego radicals? I dunno.
what a shame you're not going to get any more, it would be fascinating to see where the 'argument' went next...
unless it was only a close to final version. if they ate more vegies, they might be able to spell better.
I usually get this crap in spam emails. Its innocuous yet syntactically correct text is intended to slip past junk filters. Most of them are html encoded, and often contain urls that update a server when you read the email. Then they know your address is live, so they can send you ten more and tell all their pals.
The easiest solution is to set your mail client to prefer plain-text mail over html.
Phil, I think that it's the shortage of protein in the standard Reggie diet that is causing the problem.
Do you get things blamed on you?
Hotmail has a junkmail filter that works really well - better than the one on my pop3 mail account that came with my Norton security suite.
Do you get things blamed on you?
Only when I open attachments that let loose nasty viruses that mass mail themselves to everyone I know. Very embarrassing.
Hotmail's junk filter is getting better. I used to get heaps of junk mail because I would actually read them to check they weren't junk. Unfortunately when you read them in a browser it still triggers the links that update the sender's site. So I stopped opening them at all, and my junk mail has dropped to nil.
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