One more crash
Following on from my earlier post about motorcycle accidents and in response to Stilt's comment on said post (go check out his new site by the way, only two posts old. In years to come you'll be able to say "I was there before he sold out") I thought I'd offer up one more accident.
This one didn't happen to me, but to a person who may or may not be related to me. Many years ago the said person was going out with a girl who lived in the Snowy Mountains. It was winter and the only transport this person had was a Honda CB175 motorbike. Like most people who may be related to me, this bloke would follow his dick off a cliff so the little Honda toiled manfully into the mountains and back on quite a few occasions. On one particularly cold night Our Hero decided that it was just too cold to make it all the way back home so he decided to stop at a mates' house for a rest.
Pulling up in the driveway, Our Hero went to put his feet down... and couldn't. It was so cold that the water splashing up from the road had frozen over, sticking his feet to the pegs. Ker plunk. Luckily, he fell towards the house and was able to rouse the unsuspecting mate from his slumbers by head-butting the wall with his helmet.
Although it was a nut-numbingly cold night, the engine was still hot and burned the shit out of his leg before managed to wriggle free of the beast.
He and the girl broke up shortly after that.
So Adie,
do you have special bracelets that allow you to deflect bullets? How about a magic lariat?
Meanwhile, out here a one hour travel limit would restrict most people to siblings and cousins.
Hmm... might explain a few things.
an hours ride from my place and most of the time you're still in bloody Sydney traffic
thanks for the shout out Dirk- -new posts coming soon. Oh, but I already sold out...
at least now the second cousins are available.
the reason we left Melbourne in 1972 was traffic. We lived 11 miles from where Dad worked. On Friday afternoon it sometimes took Dad two hours to get home. I got nearly 300k's in two hours on Saturday, including stopping for fuel.
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