More on global warming
I don't know if it exists or not. I know that we are in the middle of an extreme drought that doesn't look like breaking any time soon. The Bureau of Meteorology are predicting another El Nino for this summer, which means no rain. The doomsayers are now blaming this on climate change. This seems to be a bold statement. If the climate is changing that fast, then by about July the planet will be uninhabitable.
We have records of the local river flows going back to 1922. Nearly all of the highest flowing years have been in the last four decades.
Just sayin'.
Should I tell you it was 30 C here today?
The link b/w gw and el-nino isn't new, for instance they were talking about it back in '97 at the Kyoto protocol meetings.
Damn... I wish it would warm up here in Seffrika es well... (spoken in our ekksent ek se...) We are having a wet and nippy start to November... last week we had over 4 inches of rain and at the moment a bloody chilly south easter is flailing the curtains while I type... now where did I put those blankets?
BTW what happened to Hurricane season Stateside, I think they had one mildly scary one the whole season, after all the doom and gloom prophets warnings of "record storms for 2006" it went off like a damp squib... Hope you all in OZ get some of the rain we had though... drought ain't fun...
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