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    1 2 CRUMP, Jason 25
    2 8 JONSSON, Andreas 20
    3 11 HAMPEL, Jaroslaw 18
    4 5 HANCOCK, Greg 16
    5 6 PEDERSEN, Bjarne 12
    6 1 RICKARDSSON, Tony 10
    7 13 ZAGAR, Matej 9
    8 9 NICHOLLS, Scott 8
    9 10 LINDBÄCK, Antonio 8
    10 7 GOLLOB, Tomasz 7
    11 3 ADAMS, Leigh 6
    12 12 RICHARDSON, Lee 5
    13 15 IVERSEN, Niels-Kristian 5
    14 4 PEDERSEN, Nicki 4
    15 16 STEAD, Simon 3
    16 14 PROTASIEWICZ, Piotr 3


    1st CRUMP, Jason 20 25 25 25 95
    2nd HANCOCK, Greg 5 20 20 16 61
    3rd PEDERSEN, Nicki 25 14 16 4 59
    4th GOLLOB, Tomasz 18 9 18 7 52
    5th HAMPEL, Jaroslaw 4 16 8 18 46
    6th JONSSON, Andreas 8 5 10 20 43
    7th ZAGAR, Matej 9 18 4 9 40
    8th RICKARDSSON, Tony 16 6 4 10 36
    9th ADAMS, Leigh 10 7 11 6 34
    10th NICHOLLS, Scott 9 9 5 8 31
    11th PEDERSEN, Bjarne 5 6 7 12 30
    12th LINDBÄCK, Antonio 9 2 6 8 25
    13th RICHARDSON, Lee 8 4 0 5 17
    14th IVERSEN, Niels-Kristian 2 6 4 5 17
    15th PROTASIEWICZ, Piotr 1 3 3 3 10
    16th LINDGREN, Fredrik - - 7 - 7
    17th KASPRZAK, Krzysztof - 6 - - 6
    18th STEAD, Simon - - - 3 3
    19th FERJAN, Matej 3 - - - 3

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    Every family needs a farmer

    Thursday, May 04, 2006

    I guess that proves it, then.

    Socialism is evil. This is a self-evident fact. Take socialised medicine, for example.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Socialized medicine still sucks, it just sucks a little less than American medicine. Canada has all manner of trouble with their plans, which is why Canadians with aything more complex than an appendectomy tend to come to the US for medical care. Additionally, try to get in to see a doctor in the UK.

    5/04/2006 02:48:00 am  
    Blogger rat said...

    the more our system gets privatised, the worse it's getting.

    5/04/2006 06:21:00 am  
    Blogger Dirk said...

    Additionally, try to get in to see a doctor in the UK.
    Apparently they don't need to. They live longer anyway. And wasn't 'og' a character on It's About Time? I know all about culture and stuff.
    Although Dad's been getting some pretty nifty stuff done with next to no waiting. He's still got the platinum plated private cover from when Mum was crook, though.

    5/04/2006 05:35:00 pm  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Actually, they do. We have an office there, and the guys all come here for things like meds. Or they have me ship them to them.

    People live longer, I think, because they don't have all the readily available crappy food we have here.

    Actually, they don't have much there I'd call food at all.

    SEEing a doctor, anywhere, is probably the WORST thing you can do with your health. When I was single, and never went to a doctor, I smoked 4 packs a day, drank like a fish, and was in great shape. When I started going to doctors, I stopped smoking, stopped drinking, gained weight, and now have a host of medical issues. It's doctors that CAUSE that shit, I believe, just for their own job security.

    I made "og" up. I don't know if it's used elsewhere, it might be.

    5/04/2006 06:09:00 pm  
    Blogger Dirk said...

    I don't think that you can give the credit to the food. Britain is the spiritual home of the removal of nutritional value. If the food there isn't deep fried, then it is boiled until resembles a pale, limp shadow of its former self.

    5/05/2006 01:31:00 am  
    Blogger Enyo said...

    so you have eaten here, then...

    Anyone with a reason to live and a valuable contribution to make can't see a doctor in the UK because waiting rooms are full of (a) the elderly who otherwise wouldn't see another living soul from one week to the next and so invent interesting symptoms to justify a call on the quack and (b) kids whose parents have no idea how to feed their offspring a balanced and nutritous diet and who consequently suffer a succession of minor but disgusting conditions (c) idiots who are often the parents of the above and have no idea how to look after themselves.

    Ain't socialism a wonderful thing.

    5/05/2006 05:44:00 am  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was more referring to the fact that there's probably three tons of sugar on the shelves of the average gas station. And to top that all off, there are a host of restaurants here that will take something that is already horribly fattening, like a twinkie, which is pretty much sugar and lard, and roll it in batter and deep fry it, adding oil to the mix, and drizzle chocolate and powdered sugar over it. England is full of bland and nasty food that you can develop a real hatred for. America is full of tasty and horrible food that you can become incredibly addicted to.

    5/05/2006 06:12:00 pm  
    Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

    "If the food there isn't deep fried, then it is boiled until resembles a pale, limp shadow of its former self"

    I think I've mentioned before that I'm secon-generation Irish~American... One day I was in this book store and saw a book titled 'Irish Cusine'

    I pissed myelf laughing.

    5/05/2006 08:22:00 pm  
    Blogger Dirk said...

    the waiting rooms over here are the same. Probably the world over.
    dunno about England, but I know deep-fried Mars Bars are popular in Scotland. I take your point, though. I've gained fifty kilos everytime I've eaten at an American's house.
    what did your elf have to do with it?

    5/06/2006 03:36:00 am  
    Blogger Mrs. S. said...

    I agree that it has to do with the food in America.. Most of the diseases listed in that article can be directly related to the food we eat. My friend lived in England for a while though, and like og, said the food is horribly bland. She hated the socialized health care... We do have some socialized type establishments here, but I think I'd rather bleed to death in a more sanitary environment, like an alley somewhere..

    Oh well, we may not be as healthy as them, but we certainly have nicer teeth and we smell better.. :)

    5/06/2006 03:46:00 am  
    Blogger Enyo said...

    dt, I'll take your word for it ... i'm with og on this - as a rule I avoid doctors for fear of coming down with something (I have a quasi-legal obligation to take the offspring to the quack from time to time but otherwise avoid like the plague)

    red, most Brits don't have teeth worth mentioning - most Brits couldn't get to see a dentist for love or money: the reductio ad absurdum of socialised medicine

    5/08/2006 05:45:00 am  

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