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- I'm just going out for a short walk
- Groundbreaking New Technology
- Hail to the chief
- My ex-girlfriend's sister had one of Jamie Durie's...
- The new stealth model from Ducati:Featuring Austra...
- Belinda Emmett
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Moving House
Duly noted Dirk... by the way by next week this time I will be on a Kawa again... after 20 odd years.
Oh by the way... dont delete this blog otherwise it just gathers spam.
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It's been a long time since I rock and rolled
Congrats on the marriage :)
Coincidentally, I was halfway through Dyer Maker when I started reading this post.
Congratulations on your marriage! Brilliant! Newly weds have usually got better things to do than blogging so you are forgiven for being absent so long.
Congrats! Was wondering why the paucity of late but you have one of the best excuses!
About time you got back.
About time you got married. Worth trying once, I reckon. Any snaps ?
Blah blah blah I got married blah blah blah.
You nearly slipped that in un-noticed. Congrats, all the same.
heh great to hear mate. it's a wonder you ever bothered reading my blog, it had a lot of a and b in it ;-)
hope all is good
Good to see you back Dirk, and good to see you pushing the Family/Farmer barrow. Geddit? Farmer/barrow...
Anyhoo, nevermind. Good luck with the cheese'n'kisses, and if your on the Darling Downs any time soon, shoot me an email.
Led Zepplin ROCKS!!! Though, I seriously doubt if alla'm made it to the Great Beyond. But, yet, yoo shall if yoo follow our Words --- Nevertheless, if the following is too irrelevant, that’s perfectly understandable; yet, Christ the King is perfectly relevant if thou knowest where thou goest. God bless.
Thank you for the update:)
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Not much has happened
Sounds nice.
A pedicure?
Next you'll sell your bikes and buy a hybrid. And become a vegetarian. And start wearing earth shoes and white cotton drawstring pants.
Sounds like fun, anyway. Send pictures.
That was a long walk!
It is such a hard life when it is time for a pedicure!
Hi there. Nice blog you have and I think this blog deserves better coverage and link exchange will lead you to it.
I would like to ask for a link exchange between this blog of yours and mine.
If you accept my request, kindly add my link to your blog, proceed to my blog and tell me about it.
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Hey, if you plan on writing for this blog again I was hoping to offer a link exchange with your.
My site is American Legends and the URL is:
If you want to do this just head over to my site and leave a comment for one of the posts and I'll link your blog.
Take Care,
Hey Dirk...
Glad to hear you're ok... Was wondering about you. I think I need to thank you, or should I say two of us need to thank you...
Cantellya & I are going to be married this summer sometime... We met through your blog here.
Some of my best friends are Aussies, and I'm glad I can count you as one!
Good luck in the Nam'...
Lovely, look forward to it.
I'm just going out for a short walk
Have fun Dirk!
If we don't hear from you, we'll presume that you're out getting us a FABULOUS Christmas present!
Going "walkabout" for Xmas? Season's Greetings! Are you an abo?
groovy, avagoodone mate
Hi there. Nice blog you have and I think this blog deserves better coverage.
I would like to ask for a link exchange between this blog of yours and mine.
If you accept my request, kindly add my link to your blog, proceed to my blog and tell me about it.
Ignore this if you decided to deny my request.
Happy Christmas matey, have fun on your travels.
Merry Christmas, dude.
Out for a Walkabout, eh?
Have fun, and when you get back remind me to thank you...
Groundbreaking New Technology
you can post a youtube and I can't even get blogger to post a cartoon from a newspaper.
I am a fukcing hopeless blogperson, I am.
It's been a long time since I've been anywhere under a car, when I owned old British cars I was there every weekend and often on Wednesday nights as well. But it's hard to imagine anything drastic happening to tie rods in 30 years. Gotta say though, I'd never heard the term drag link either.
Saffers call them "tie rods" Dirk, we call those things on a tractor's lift "drag links". Seems like you were talking to ex Saffers! :-)
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Hail to the chief
Hallelujah. The obsession with budget surpluses. Absolute ideologically motivated insanity. Be sure to tell all your friends.
despite the appearance of thrashing around before the election, i've got a good feeling about it. unfortunately beasley didn't have the charisma at the last election. sure everyone hated howard, but they bought his spin doctor shit, and moaned about it afterwards. it was like a battle for last place. beazley won but we didn't have a lot of options.
it's a sad thing that you not only have to know how to run things, but you have to have charisma, and an army of spin doctors juggling words for you
i like the idea of a leader who says what he thinks, open and honest, and can still play the plitical game. howard is a commensurate political animal
maybe that's why i liked hawke and keating. ok, yes they are politicans and couldn't lie straight in their sleep, but there was, in my opinion, a whole lot less bullshit. if the world economy goes arse up, yours will too, ergo the "recession we had to have". rather than howard claiming credit for good economy when the whole world was smooth sailing and he was riding the crest.
they have a whole lot less influence than they give themselves credit for i reckon. but then, what do i know. hehehehe
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My ex-girlfriend's sister had one of Jamie Durie's g-strings
I don't get what you're saying about the Environment with a big E but I applaud your choice of Miss Rigby for illustrative purposes. What a healthy young filly she is!
What is a Hill's Hoist?
I also love girls that can drive industrial machinery by the way...
Fortunately yours is a silent blog because although application of Ms Rigby would make nearly any withered old thing grow, she has a voice that would would make barbed wire curl up and die at forty paces.
Err, great shot of a bonza shiela. Sadly though the image doesn't enlarge to bonza size. For research of course.
Hill's hoist is a clothesline.
Then I'm such a rebel...just installed a Hill's Hoist to replace an old one my kid broke (yes, swinging on it). Even got the galvanised original model.
It's not only her voice that would kill things it's her manner in general, she is almost man like in appearance. Yobbo jaw line does it I think? Maybe the mans shoulders?? No wait! It’s the hands, there the hands of an old man.
Nice article, real attention grabbing headline.
Cheers Bill.
I've passed Jody in real life and she is drop dead gorgeous. Like, WOW!
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wooo flashy :-)
Nice... but I prefer mine made by Nipponese or German engineers... Those 'Talians always have bad assembly days and I always get the made on friday one...
I used to work for a firm that also did auto electrical work and they had a sign... "We repair all makes of veichle, except Italian."
Bloke pitched up in his Lambo one day and the workshop manager took pity and relented... Robbie the chief auto'lectrician took one look at the 4" loom of wires and said... "You want to be in Cape Town when?" He left 5 minutes later still with no wipers working.
Hey Dirk - why no love for the Paso? I have a bit of a soft spot for them, especially since they look a little like a prototype of the GOOF. The stock exhausts look crap though - they need nice pipes to look the biz. Mind you, I also love the old slab-side gixxers, so perhaps I shouldn't be talkin bike aesthetics...
I liked it more in black, it's a goth bike.
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Belinda Emmett
i also was impressed by mr Rove. as a telly entertainer, well lets just say i'd rather stab myself with a fork, just as painful, but doesn't last as long. but i was impressed by his character, in a situation that would have left me bleeding from the gills.
his lady must have been a bad singer if she compares badly with "idle australians".
at my funeral i want everyone to get pissed as, um people who are very pissed, and burn whatever crap is left of me that the body spare parts crowd didn't want
In a spirit of generosity and in an effort to reduce the workload on whoever was around to take care of my post mortem affairs, I once tried to arrange to leave my body to science.
They wouldn't take it.
Apparently they only accept donations of this sort if you live within a certain radius of major hospitals.
Delete works too Dirk... :-)
But then we would not have been able to see your line by line comeback to that nebulous anonymouse pissant now would we.
I quite fancy agood old Irish wake when I leave this mortal coil... just a pity I will not be there to hoist one with the crowd!
I've often wondered why they call it a mortal coil. And who 'they' are. explains the phrase rather well.
“Coil” has a different kind of history. It was coined again and again. At one time or another, people used it as a verb to mean “to cull,” “to thrash,” “to lay in rings or spirals,” “to turn,” “to mound hay” and “to stir.” As a noun it has meant “a selection,” “a spiral,” “the breech of a gun,” “a mound of hay” and “a pen for hens” -- and also “noisy disturbance, fuss, ado.” It’s in this last sense, which became current in the 16th century, that Shakespeare used the word.
Gosh, What upstarts you both are .
Nothing in the least intellectual has come from your useless blogging.
Nobody really cares what you think about Rove or his late wife , but do have some respect for the dead as you to will one day die and there mayb'e others that have feelings for you that wouldn't appreciate the lack of compassion you are showing at the moment.
Well, Rove asked that all donations be made to the Jane McGrath Foundation (named after cricketer Glen McGrath's wife who is still alive and well).
I agree. The song is extraordinarily awful. However, it seems more bareable if you listen to it more and more. My first impression was that Emmett had a very weak voice and needed the instruments to compensate for that.
Anyway, according to the "South Park" episode where Jarred from "Subway" "appears", you can make jokes from tragedy 22 years after the event.
Isn't it easy to critise people from the comfort of one's chair at home? Simple tip: The term (and everything it stands for) 'redneck' went out with the KKK. For someone who prides themselves on such a fact is very sad. You need to work on becoming empathetic, take a few English classes and educate yourself. Once you gain knowledge then put it into positive action. It's hilarious that someone such as yourself needs to hide behind an image of a cow robot? Very tough. Belinda Emmett, her family, friends and Rove are beautiful people and I hope you never have to experience anything like what they have gone through. Belinda had a great voice and had a wonderful ability to light up a room by walking into it and singing. Celebrate people's lives without making a mockery of them.
Boy oh boy. I haven't posted on this blog in nearly three months. This particular post is almost ten months old. Why do these people bother? I still get email alerts when people comment, which is why I knew about this sub-standard effort. I had better reply, although it doesn't really deserve it, being the usual hypocritical pap that 'supporters' of various celebrities (particularly recently deceased ones) and other alleged worthy causes spew forth.
Looking at the last sentence, I'm thinking that maybe 'anonymous' has a point about the english lessons.
Anyway, on with the vitriol.
Let us study the comment of 'anonymous' in some depth, shall we?
You need to work on becoming empathetic, take a few English classes and educate yourself.
Not sure how you arrived at the empathy bit, or what it is in relation to; maybe stating my respect for the dignity and strength of character that Ms. Emmett and her husband displayed was not enough for you. As for the english clases*, I am not sure how these will make the opinions I express any more valid, but I am open to suggestion. However, before you start on my use of the language, perhaps you should take a look at the way you misuse it in this snippet:
Simple tip: The term (and everything it stands for) 'redneck' went out with the KKK. For someone who prides themselves on such a fact is very sad.
For starters, that isn't a tip; it is an opinion. Secondly, the sentence makes for easier reading if you transpose the parenthesised section with the word in quotation marks. Do you mean that the term 'redneck' and the KKK were an item? Or are you trying to say that it is an expression that is no longer in common use, using it as a corallary of the KKK? If so, do you mean the initialism KKK or the organisation KKK? You see, the language isn't as simple to use as it may first appear, so corollaries in my opinion should be confined to subjects which are similar in nature. Colloquialisms and extremist organisations do not qualify as similar, even though the colloquialism may be used to describe most members of said organisation.
In either case you are factually incorrect.
I have scoured the archives of all the gossip magazines in the world** and have not found a single reference to 'redneck' and KKK being in a restaurant together.
Nor would you be correct if you were trying to imply that the term 'redneck' is no longer in common usage. I would say that it is in fact more common now than it has ever been.
Or are trying to say that 'redneck' no longer means what it used to mean? Your grasp of the language is so nebulous that I really have no idea what you are on about.
Still on the english thing;
For someone who prides themselves on such a fact is very sad.
Huh? What fact? Are you trying to say that there is someone somewhere who prides themselves on this mysterious fact and that this person is sad? If so, why is this person sad? Not only does this sentence assume a level of secondary understanding on the part of the reader, it doesn't even conform to the basic rules of sentence structure; but it does give me a nice segue into the hypocrite exposing part of this rant.
It's hilarious that someone such as yourself needs to hide behind an image of a cow robot? Very tough.
Ignoring the inappropriate question mark, I am unsure of what point 'anonymous' is trying to make about the use of pseudonyms, nor how he/ she (I don't have enough information to be any more specific than that) arrived at the conclusions that a) the cow is a robot, b) the cow is me, or c) toughness or otherwise is germane to his/ her argument. For this remark to carry any weight it would need to be made by somebody who is not themselves anonymous. And there is more than enough information on these pages for any reasonably well trained Border Collie to uncover my 'secret' identity.
Belinda Emmett, her family, friends and Rove are beautiful people and I hope you never have to experience anything like what they have gone through.
I reiterate that I have never met Ms. Emmett or Rove, which is why I have never on any forum cast any aspersions upon them. I have nothing to say about her family and friends, except that I bet that if I met all of them, at least one or two would be arseholes. Knowing a nice person does not make you nice. Also: I am in my forties. I do not know anybody in their forties, myself included, who has not been through similar experiences at least once in their life. Being well known does not make the experience more tragic or difficult to cope with. Although I have no experience or data to back the following assumption, I am going to make it anyway; I would think that being well known would have more positive effects than negative ones at a time like this; public support, even from persons such as yourself, would be a powerful thing.
Belinda had a great voice...
No. She didn't. That is all.
...and had a wonderful ability to light up a room by walking into it and singing.
Possibly, but I suspect that would have more to do with an ability to project her personality than it did with her voice. I have known a woman with a fairly crap voice who could do it also. Ms. Emmett's voice would not light a telephone booth.
Celebrate people's lives without making a mockery of them.
Not liking somebody's voice is not making a mockery of their life. I thought an English language maven such as yourself would comprehend that.
*Perhaps somebody who has a more complete grasp of the language could tell me whether the 'e' in 'english' should be capitalised in this instance. To me, capitalising the 'e' makes it look like you are describing lessons from England, not lessons to do with the English language. There's that education thing again.
**Clearly this is bullshit, but you get my point.
Let's just agree to disagree mate! Although I do agree wth you and find it highly unlikely you'd be perusing any gossip magazines.... Not that I want the last word... but..English classes originated from England hence the capital letter. All views aside I really hope you are putting your great mind to good use. You could be teaching (or bull$%#@@) your way into universities, politics etc. Not every one can read, write or make sense. You've got a talent - go for it and use it wisely. It's just a shame you're a redneck otherwise I would like to read more of your work. Have a good day.
Thank you.
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Here I am, brain the size of a planet....
I don't understand diddly about grasshopper, or whatever the goofy game is called, but I hope your team wins, or something. Best of luck.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Who wouldn't be depressed having to visit Australia? All that bloody sunshine! All those vast opens spaces and "Home and Away" and Kylie on TV! It's enough to make anybody want to slash their wrists!
cricket is indeed a mystery to the uninitiated. Good fun to watch, better fun to play.
There is a movement (of which I am a supporter) to place Kylie's bum on the World Heritage List.
I have never seen Homo and a Gay, so I am in no postion to comment.
Cricket is a game to be wached by the idle rich and the unemployed... who else has time to wach a 5 day test! :-)
I love the 20/20 series that has been introduced here in Seffrika, it is blazingly fast and fun to watch.
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I don't know what Clix is, but I'll give it a go.

Every family needs a farmer
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
It's been a long time since I rock and rolled
Up until yesterday I was unable to access any blogspot blogs, including this one. I don't know why that was the case as I could write and post on the site, I just couldn't see the result. Now I can see it, eventually. I usually have to refresh the page half a dozen times to get blogspot pages to display, but display they do, so I might start writing a few bits every now and again.
As for me, there's not a lot to tell, really. I got married in February. Dad came over for a month, which was pretty cool. I've been doing a fair bit of scuba diving when the mood takes me. Apart from that, not much.
It will take me a whi9le to get back into the swing of writing stuff, but don't worry, this won't turn into one of those inner demon exposing blogs all about me, me, me, me. Nor will it be a travelogue style, "Look at me, aren't I adventurous!" things.
They shit me.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Not much has happened
Friday, December 15, 2006
I'm just going out for a short walk
Which I guess is a little inappropriate as I have no intention of going anywhere near any icy wastelands. I will be buggering off for a while, though. Probably for about a month or so.
If you don't hear from me before then, feel free to purchase me something expensive for
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Groundbreaking New Technology
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Hail to the chief
Monday, November 20, 2006
My ex-girlfriend's sister had one of Jamie Durie's g-strings

First let me qualify this particular thought by saying that the last lifestyle program that I had much time for was Torque in the seventies (Couldn't find a link.). However, having been exposed to a few episodes of shows that involve gardening and in particular, makeovers of people's backyards, I have noticed something disturbing. Nobody has a Hill's Hoist. Or if they do, the correct course of action is to remove it. They don't even replace it with one of those reel in and out doovies.
Nup, it's carbon- emission central for this people. Maybe they think that because they have planted callistemons and bromeliads and stuff, that makes them carbon-neutral. I have, of course, written this post out of concern for the planet and not as an excuse to post a photo of Jody Rigby, whom I admire for her horticultural skill, work ethic and ability to drive a bobcat and not for her droolworthiness.
Sunday, November 19, 2006

Featuring Australia's next World Champeen (If Chris Vermuelen doesn't beat him to it, which seems likely, given his times in off-season testing.) Note his angle of lean, then look where his back tyre is, he's having a bit of a go. And yes, I realise that the picture has been edited for effect, but not very much.
Also, funny what a difference a colour makes, isn't it?
This photo is of the GP7 in stealth trim, so that camera waves bounce off it and they can do their testing in secret.
This photo is of the GP6 in full dress regalia. Basically the same as far as bodywork goes (Which is to say "Far and away the sexiest of the current crop of racing bikes." Like 'em or loathe 'em, Ducati always brings the pretty. Except the Paso. The Paso is the ugly one who stays at home baking cookies.) The GP6 looks far more angular and New Millennium than the GP7, which is almost John Player Norton-ish by comparison. I'd still ride it, though.
Probably only to about halfway around the first corner, but it would be good fun trying.
As an added extra bonus limited edition feature, here is the dash of the GP6.